Thursday 15 January 2009

Feeling Better

I've just returned from a meeting with my supervisor. I can safely say it was one of the best (if briefest) meetings we've had. The meeting was instigated by me on the back of last Wednesday's meeting and my feelings as a result of it.

We discussed my feelings before, immediately after and since the meeting. I explained how I'd become very annoyed and disapointed with myself. I felt I'd let myself, his church and God down. He reasured me by telling me no-one's perfect - we all make mistakes.

I hoped I'd learnt more about myself. My need to listen and not be wound up, whether it is intentional or not. My supervisor thought this was a good way of looking at it, as the CFA is about learning yourself.

I now feel so much more positive about my call, myself and my placement church. I saw God's grace tonight.

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