Saturday 2 July 2011

Knowing me

I have a tendency of being a but of a stirrer. Sometimes I just won't sit quietly and accept a position. I just have to say something. Sometimes, I know, it comes across like I'm a bit of a know-it-all or I don't really know what I'm talking about. Sometimes, I can sound as though I'm not really listening to what I'm being told.

I'm much more mellow in my approach these days and am getting better at not jumping in with both feet. As I say, getting better. I'm not perfect, but have realised if I put my views across more reasonably and at try to show I am taking the other person's views on board, I will be listened to more favourably, rather than my opinions being dismissed out of hand.

I have to admit, though, sometimes it's not my views I'm expressing. Sometimes I know I am doing it to challenge the other person's views; playing devil's advocate I suppose. I think I like to know the person has thought through options they don't want to consider before they really dismiss them. I suppose, too, I sometimes just enjoy good debate. I do, it has to be said, need to be aware the person, time and place where this is okay. Again, this is something I am aware of and an getting better at.

At least I know I am like this. I know who I am and, generally, am aware how this can impact on others. So long as I keep practicing what I preach, I know with God's grace I will use this part of me for the good of individuals and the church. But only if I use it wisely. So, I pray for wisdom.

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