Sunday 22 July 2012

Hearing God's voice

So, there I was in the pub last night (it's such a hardship this placement!). It's worrying that Spot and I are getting seen as 'regulars'. Oh, well, could be worse.

One of the bar staff mentioned this and we explained we were only in the area for the summer. She wondered why and I told her I was a student minister, doing a placement locally. Without drawing breath or batting an eyelid she said "I'm not surprised about that at all. I can see that in you", or words to that effect.

That's about the third or fourth time I've had a similar encounter. A person who doesn't know me not being surprised and saying things like seeing it or that I'd be really good. It's really weird, though I do believe God speaks through other people and, as it keeps happening, I think he's trying to tell me something!

1 comment:

  1. The best way we can share the Gospel is in action no point talking the talk and not walking the walk, that's what people notice most. Onwards and upwards!


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