Sunday 31 March 2013

He is risen in Breid

This morning I led the early Easter morning service for Caledonia Kirk. This is held at a nearby beach and bread, fish and wine (aka grape juice) is shared. This reflects Jesus' appearance to the disciples in John 21:1-14. In the past this has been a communion, but it couldn't be today, as it was me leading. We did share bread, wine and fish as a gathering. I suspect (especially given the comments made as the bread etc was passed) most felt this was communion.

So I wrote a liturgy for this sharing, which follows. I also baked the bread. If you know me and have read my thoughts on communion bread before, you will know I have a thing about it being decent bread. As today was as close as to communion I can currently do (I think the technical term is an agape meal), and I have always said when I do eventually administer sacraments, the bread will be decent.

It was just a 50:50 white and wholemeal bread flour mix. Nothing exceptional about the bread dough itself, but Spot and I decided to put a bit of symbolism into the bread, by baking a cross into it. The photos follow. (The balls actually make it easier to break!).

Over all, I feel the service went well. There were responses and I invited people to use them as they felt most comfortable with - this allows those who don't want to say the words out loud to not feel they have to). It more or less flowed, though 2 cups for the wine would have been handy (I had taken one of my own, but thought others were arriving. It all worked out fine, though).

Liturgy for Agape Bread, wine and fish sharing

After Our Lord, Jesus Christ was raised to glory by his father and our father

he appeared again to the disciples

this time, it was different

usually, Jesus was the guest

at the home of Simon the leper, when he was anointed with oil

he was the guest

at the home of Peter's mother-in-law, whom he cured

he was the guest

at the home of Zacchaeus the tax collector he befriended

he was the guest

But at the lakeside

he was the host

as the fishermen went back to their old lives

he cooked them food

and invited them to share breakfast with him

a simple breakfast of fish and bread

a simple breakfast which was an invitation

an invitation to be sustained in Christ's bounty

so they would go into the world

and take the Good News that Jesus Christ

had been crucified, died and was buried

but had been raised to life

to bring glory to the father

and forgiveness of sins to the whole world

So their lives would never be the same again

in this simple breakfast of bread and fish

So, as we gather here, on this glorious Easter morning

let us share this fish and bread and wine

and in doing so

share God's bountiful goodness

so, when we go from here

we will take the Good News of the risen Christ

into our homes, our lives, our hearts

so the whole world will know
Bread Photos

Dough Cross

Bread ready for baking

Easter risen breid

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