Friday 6 May 2011

A Historic Day for Scotland

As I write this, something which I never thought would happen has. The Scottish National Party (SNP) has a majority of seats in the Scottish Parliament.

This isn't just historic, in terms of a national party winning a majority of seats. No, that any party should win a majority of seats in the Scottish Parliament is historic. Since the parliament was re-established in 1999, there has never been one party which held a majority of the seats. Since then, the parliament has been run either under coalition government or a minority government.

So, this is historic. A party having a majority of seats. And, at the time of writing this, not all seats have been declared. I think this is the most interesting election I have kept and eye on (Scottish and UK government) since Labour's win in 1997. This could have much more far reacting consequences, though. I'm sure, with a nationalist government at Holyrood (home of the Scottish Parliament) there will be a call for a referendum on Independence.

I wonder what the next 4 years of Scottish government will look like now? It's going to be interesting to watch.

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