Thursday 26 May 2011

We are all brothers and sisters

While listening to that debate at the General Assembly on Monday, I was impressed with the grace of those who spoke from all sides of the debate. I have to admit, I did not like the report making a distinction between two sides of the argument, as that pigeon holes people and is too simplistic a view.

I know, unlike many reports in the press, section 7b does not open the flood gates to those in leadership roles on the Church of Scotland being in same-sex relationships. It does, however, allow the theological implications of that position, if it were allowed, to be explored further and for that report to be presented to the 2013 General Assembly. Who knows, perhaps then a decision will be made not to allow ordination of people in same-sex relationships.

From a personal perspective, I was relieved at the decision taken. Hand on heart, I did not what my position would have been as someone about to begin their ministry of word and sacrament training, if at least a decision to further explore the issues was made. I say heart as that appears to contradict the scriptures. An interesting article which helped me with this was this one from Ben's blog.

At the moment, I am sad. Sad at the pain and struggle the GA's decision will cause to some of the Kirk's leaders, elders and members. Sad that some people have already decided to leave the Kirk as a result of Monday's decision. I would call for patience and grace from all sides at the moment and at least wait until the GA of 2013 to see what happens then.

At the end of the day, we all brothers and sisters in Christ and one through the Holy Spirit. When my family are in pain and sorrowing, I share its pain and sorrow. The same goes for my church family.

Let us stand together united in what brings us together. God's love through Christ. If we concentrate on that, I hope and pray, the Kirk will become stronger in Christ and, as such, will show the people of Scotland a better way to live.

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