Friday 3 August 2012

A Legacy?

The other day my supervisor, quite out of the blue, asked me what I felt I'd learnt from this placement. At the time, and on reflection, I'd say learning I have the ability to co-ordinate and manage a project, while allowing others to get on with it.

The following day I bumped into him while out and about (aka pastoral visiting). He was with a colleague and was waxing lyrical about this project I was co-ordinating, especially as I'd been happy letting others get on with in, rather than feeling I had to be there all the time and micro-managing it (just to make it clear, the people haven't been left in the lurch either - I'd briefed them before each session and thanked them, while getting feedback, post-session). He also talked of that being my 'legacy' to the congregation.

I suppose I must be doing okay if it's being shared outside the congregation. I know it's not perfect, but it's the first time for all of us involved. That said, it's going well and the issues (which are really minor and have only manifested themselves because the project is running) will feed into the future of the scheme, in what ever form that will take.

There are, of course, many other things I have learnt, but this has been an important lesson. It's funny, though I've worked hard on it, it doesn't feel like hard work! I also don't feel I've changed how I am or do things, so looks like this is a gift I didn't even know I had, or that I have used in a different way in the past. It's pretty cool to know that, though I am always mindful that this gift is from God and I do what I do in his strength, not mine.

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