Friday, 17 August 2012

Tiring, but fun

All this week Highland Cathedral has been hosting its Summer Holiday club for primary school children. I have been involved all week and have thoroughly loved it. It's the first time I've been involved in this since I was in my late teens and I know I enjoyed it more that I did first time round.

The children were great, the leaders were great, the people who made the tea and refreshments were great. In fact, everyone involved in any way in making the club happen were great.

I thrived on the buzz of the whole thing. I was happy making a fool of myself where necessary (and it was necessary quite a lot of the time!). I was also sensible when I needed to be,. which made the silliness even sillier!

It's definitely something I'd seriously consider doing in the future, if the church I'm called to doesn't already have one. For many children it might be the only contact with church they will have, but who knows the seeds which may be sown when they take part in a good church holiday club?

Though I enjoyed it, I am tired. It's a high energy thing (especially as I was one of the people up-front - pulling the whole thing together, giving continuity etc) and even the children who have come all week looked tied today. And with all my jumping around and falling down (on purpose, I have to admit) it's not done my dodgy knee any favours. But, it was worth it to see children have fun in a church setting and hopefully, through all the team has done this week, will know God's love for them. The rest is in God's hands.

1 comment:

  1. Right up there with you, tired but happy and grateful for your encouragement last week. Going off to take 9.30 service this morning, with our art work on display and the children ready to share their song and a PowerPoint compiled of the whole week which was special and so enjoyable. So you were part of our too, one end of Scotland to the other!


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