Monday 11 June 2012

Confidence boost

It was a long supervision today, but there was a lot to cover, especially last week being my first full week at Highland Cathedral. It was a good discussion and I'm finding my new supervisor much easier to talk to than my last one. He listens and seems very supportive, though I also know he will challenge me, but that's what I need to grow and become the minister I need to be. It also will allow me to get to know why I do certain things, rather than just doing them 'blindly'.

Feedback for the things I have been involved in has been very good. It's been constructive and supportive. I was especially concerned about feedback from yesterday's children's address, given I had lost a lot of confidence delivering them at my last placement. Here, my supervisor thought it was excellent - short, to the point and appropriate to the age of the children. Definitely the boost I was needing. I need to be less hard on myself, especially regarding this. Hopefully my standards for this will come up as I regain my confidence in this aspect of leading worship.

It's come at the right time as I will be taking a school assembly soon and that was a concern. In many ways an assembly is very like a large children's address, so if I prepare well, I'm sure I'll be fine. After all, God's got my back.

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