Monday 29 September 2008

Small world

They say anyone can connect with anyone else in the world through no more than 7 other people - 7 degrees of separation. I've found at my placement church I don't need nearly as many degrees to make connections with some of the members there:

The minister is the son of my husband's former minister.
The depute session clerk and his wife are Scout leaders and I used to be a cub leader.
On of the members is a former colleague of mine.

Given yesterday was only my second Sunday with my placement church, I don't think that's bad going in establishing connections. It'll be even more interesting when I go to the next stage of this enquiry process - the Co-ordinated field assessment (I know, sounds like a management buzz phrase). I have to liaise with both my supervisor and a representative from presbytery. The minister who is the presbytery rep did her probation (the final bit of training for the ministry before ordination) with my home church. I'm starting to feel I know everyone!!!

Hopefully, familiarity has not bred contempt and people don't assume things about me on the basis of the little I know. Interestingly, the member who I used to work with was really pleased with why I was at his church. I worked as a Land Surveyor with him, so not the type of job you'd expect to glean an insight into a persons ministry potential. At least I must have left a good impression on him, especially as I hadn't worked with him for eight years!

I have a meeting with my supervisor on Thursday. I'm not sure what for, as we've already discussed my role in the services for the next couple of weeks. I shall see what the meeting brings.

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