Sunday 27 January 2013

Change, without boiling the frog

Over a few placements, and in other contexts, I have witnessed, thought and and been involved in the implementation of change. (In the latter case, it has been small, bit small can be significant).

I know change is inevitable in life, universe and everything. I think how I couldn't dream of not having a phone that wasn't also a pedometer, internet browser, email client, book etc, etc. But with it, I have 'outsourced' my memory, as I no longer need to remember phone numbers.

I used to watch VHS (no, I never had beta max, though do remember it), then DVDs, now a mix of DVDs and blue rays. Pretty soon most of the films I watch may be via video streaming.

I've given up work to study, which is a huge change, but great privilege (especially as someone else is paying the bills!).

Yet I know change has to be managed well. Let people know why it needs to happen; get them on board and take them with you, rather than imposing it. That said, I do know there are times where it might just be me poking my head above the parapet and praying it's the right course of action.

I also can see how change could be done in a sort of drip, drip, drip fashion. A little bit here, a subtle flip there, a move over there. Before they knew it, where things had started and where they'd got to were totally different. So long as people didn't get totally boiled, like frogs...

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