Sunday 15 August 2010

Going batty

The other night, quite to my surprise, a bat flew past me in our back garden. Then, lat night Spot spotted a bat flying around our block. Cool - that means we have bats feeding and living nearby.

I love bats - no idea why, but I do., I think it's pretty cool discovering something like bats living in a place you really wouldn't expect.

So, in honour of our new discovery, we are now proud owners of a bat box. With a bit of luck, they might take up residence. It may take a while. Bats are fussy where they live and tend to return to the same roost, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, so to speak. Besides, if they are around, the midges better watch out!


  1. mind you don't get them baptised [hehehe 'bat'tised?] once you do, you'll never see 'em again :D

  2. Tee hee...I'd forgotten that joke!

    Haven't seen them since the box went up... that's nature for you, though!


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