Thursday 12 March 2009

PDI - part 2

I managed to my second PDI yesterday, though I was exhausted afterwards. The way things have worked out, it was only just over 3 months since my first one. Also, I may have missed out on things between my supervisor being off sick and now my accident. Ne'er mind, these things happen.

The meeting seemed to go well, though I did loose my chain of thought on a couple of occasions - I'm putting that down to the pain/painkillers etc post-operation.

I was asked how I manage my time. I wasn't entirely sure what he meant by that. I wittered on a bit almost as though it was a job interview. I could tell that was useful information, but not what he was looking for. Then I mentioned I have a strict "do something with the other half" time on Sunday afternoons. The interviewer seemed "pleased" with that statement - he asked how well it was enforced - once in 6 years. I think we're doing well.

Another question was whether I'd had doubts with my call. I sort of discussed I doubted my ability rather than my call, but I don't think I really expressed myself very well. Mmmh - perhaps I should have postponed my PDI for a week. Oh well, it's done now!

My perceived strength and weaknesses were discussed. I think I can pretty much talk to anyone - any age or background. I believe that could be a useful skill for ministry. So, I'd call that a strength. In terms of weakness - well, given the evidence from January's fellowship meeting, I had to say it would appear I need to work on my group skills. Again, being able to work in groups is another important element of ministry (session/board meetings for example).

My interviewer suggested I try to work out exactly what triggered my reaction and suggested a book I may find useful. He asked if I had attended any other of those meetings - had I had the chance to show I had learnt from the incidence. Unfortunately, no. My supervisor was off sick for the February meeting and I was in hospital for the March one. My local review is before the April one. Pity - I know I should have been a lot more considered at the time, but I can't now prove it was a one-off. I really hope that one thing doesn't override everything else at the local review. Time will tell.

Finally, my interviewer enquired what I'd do if I wasn't selected. I'd naturally be disappointed - who wouldn't?. I'd take the feedback I'd been given, reflect on it and my call. If there were issues I could address, I would and then try again. What else could I do? Give up. Nah - I'm not that type of person - I am the woman who took 6 attempts to pass my motorbike test!!!

All I can do now is wait to see my interviewer's report. I also need to do my form-filling prior to my local review. It should have been back to 121 by yesterday, but as I'm preaching on Sunday, I've been given an extra week.

So. in less than 3 weeks time, I'll know if I'm going to a national selection conference. Now, it's just wait and see. At least my surgery is "distracting" me!!!

1 comment:

  1. I found the PDI the hardest and most daunting part. Everything is taken into account and evidenced for the Local review. I found that, most of all, they are looking for people who are willing to learn and look at themselves with a view to becoming reflective practitioners. It sounds like you gave helpful answers that will stand you in good stead.

    Good luck for your review. i hope you mend soon!


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