Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Ice Cream

So there I was, sitting watching the world go by in Princes Street Gardens. A couple of ladies were looking for a seat and I gestured they could share mine. As it was a lovely day, one of them went to get ice cream (should have asked where mine was when she came back!).

As they were eating their ice creams it was not a good moment to recall the conversation my flatmates and I had when at uni the first time round - that the way a person eats their ice cream is an indication  of the way they kiss...I really did not need that thought. Ever.

I think I'll just go and invent some brain bleach for moments such as these!


  1. *raises eyebrows*
    ack, I had never heard that analogy. It is now seared into my brain. So, yeah, thanks for that ;p


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