Sunday 14 February 2010

Encouraging comments

I lead prayer in my home church again today. My minister had strayed from the lectionary and the theme of the service was "be love". A very tenuous link with Valentine's day.

I received a very positive response from both congregations. One comment which stood out was "You speak very well. You're very clear and go at a good pace." I feel I do that, but it's reassuring to hear it from someone else.

One comment which is recurring at both congregation goes something along the lines of "You're doing so well, Mrs Gerbil. What stage in your training are you?" I explain the situation, that I'm in the selection process. The answer is "Oh, I have no doubt you'll do well. No doubt at all". These are good and encouraging comments. Though, it has to be said, my home church's congregation is going to be slightly bias!

My minister's Mum was visiting today. She, too, is a minister. After the service she caught up with me and thanked me for my prayers. She also asked about my going through the selection process for ministry and where I was with that. I filled her in. She told me "From what I saw today I would be surprised if you didn't get selected" I thanked her. Apparently she used to be a selector at selection schools.

I suppose I could be doom and gloom and say these people care about me and want me to do well. But I won't. I am going to treat them as intended - encouragement from God through others that the path I am following is His.


  1. This is very affirming! How nice to be so appreciated, so early in your journey into ministry. At selection conference, be yourself - and enjoy it!

  2. Spot
    At the moment it should be:
    "To the manor born".


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