Thursday 13 May 2010

Study options

On Monday, I had a long chat with the person from ministries support who is responsible for ministry candidates studying at Edinburgh. She went over the various options open to me, being:
  • Hope that a place becomes available in Edinburgh through clearing in the autumn.
  • Defer for a year and apply to Edinburgh at the earliest opportunity. You would graduate in 2014. You would become part of the conference programme and placement scheme when you begin at University in 2011.
  • Do your first year over two years through distance learning at Aberdeen and ensure that Edinburgh will give you credit for this when you apply again, looking to graduate in 2014. You would be able to continue working for the two years that you did this. You would become part of the conference programme in 2011 and placement scheme in 2012 (since you would still be working it would be better to postpone your first placement till then). The advantage of this is that it doesn’t involve deferring.
Apparently, I am not the only one in this position (and I suspect it may get worse as my assessment conference was the first this year). That's slightly reassuring, yet frustrating for all at the same time!

I don't really fancy studying and working full-time for two years. I also know Edinburgh can be a bit funny about accepting credits from other universities. They shouldn't be, but are. So, at the moment, I'm looking at waiting to see what spaces are available at Edinburgh for clearing. If I can't get one then, I'm looking to defer. Okay, so I won't be studying until next year, but the end graduating date is the same. I'm sure if that does happen, the next year will fly by.

A bit of me knows it's all meant. If I am to wait a year before studying, I can use that time to build up my savings a bit. I am not on a huge wage (though I do think I get very well paid for what I do), but I am the main breadwinner. Also, perhaps if I'm to wait, it is all part of God's path for me. Maybe there is a specific charge he needs me for which becomes vacant (or is created!) as I finish training, but only if I wait a year? Given how things have been going so far, I wouldn't be in the slightest surprised.

Of course, if a long lost Uncle's will left me his estate and living in Glasgow became an option, then off to Glasgow uni I would go. Somehow, I don't see that happening!


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