Anyway, the reason for the trip was to see the Glasgow Boys exhibition at the Kelvingrove art gallery and museum.
We really enjoyed it, though we were in the strange demographic of not retired nor a student!Given ow popular the exhibition is, I dread to think how busy it would be at a weekend.
I've always been a fan of the Glasgow Boys style.It's the way the showed ordinary people (at least to begin with) and their brilliant use for light. Them and the wider group of the Scottish colourists are among my favourite painters. Something which amuses me is the knowledge I've picked up about art. Looks like I listened to my Mum more than I realised. My appreciation of art definitely came from her and viewing the collections at the Kirkcaldy museum and art gallery.
After seeing the exhibition, we nipped out for lunch. Spot nipped back in, to answer the call to nature and I took a quick snap of the Kelvingrove for there.
While taking the shot, I heard someone calling. Spot couldn't possibly have been that quick! No, there was a recital on this:
Wow. Now, I love organ music. There's something about a good organ played well. Probably it's the love of sound which you feel as well as heard. My head sometimes tells me it's out-of-date, but my heart wins out every time. Besides, the children in the Kelvingrove seemed to be enjoying it as much, if not more than the grown-ups, so maybe it's not that out-of-date at all.
The organist was brilliant and seemed generally surprised when he received a round of applause! He deserved it. I wonder where he plays on Sundays?!
Later on in the day, we ventured into the Gallery of modern art. As the title suggests, this houses the cities collection of modern art. I've always wondered when it'll stop being modern?
It's a great collection and is one of 5 museums throughout Britain to be awarded £1 million each from the Art Fund towards the acquisition of international artworks. That's pretty cool and quite a coup over the Scottish National Modern Art Gallery, but it does get national funding, whereas Glasgow museums don't.
Strangely, though, it wasn't the exhibits which really struck me, but the building. So I took some pics and these are my favourites:
Sometimes, it's amazing what can be seen when we look beyond what's on display. The second photo from the inside of the gallery was only possible because it was a beautiful sunny day in Glasgow. How much more do people change when light and love and hope pour out of them? Or we see them in new ways, in different circumstances and they appear different somehow. Maybe, we weren't looking properly all along. Just like many looking around the art gallery would have been paying so much attention to the art hanging on the walls, they would never have seen the light dancing off them.
So I left Facebook because I didn't want everyone knowing every minute detail of my life. Thanks for blogging my loo break. ;-)