Sunday 14 November 2010

A revelation

I've had a bit of a revelation today. The lady I visited a fortnight ago died. Although I will not be involved in her funeral, except as a mourner, her death has brought home to me something I will have to deal with in ministry. During my time as a minister, as Spot so eloquently put it, I will have to bury my congregation.

That will be hard.

To do justice to those I love.

To lead worship and hold it together when all around are suffering.

To not seem so detached I appear cold, but to do the memory of those I love justice.


I care. I care more deeply that I often show and sometimes am even willing to admit.

With such love, how can I do a funeral for someone I love?

Only through the support of God through the holy spirit. That's how.

I know being an ordained minster is 5 years off. But this is something |I will have to deal with sooner or later. There is at least one person who wants me to conduct her funeral. I pray it isn't for a very long time. When it comes, though, I will be gutted. But I will pray for the strength and guidance to do the one last thing I can for her. My act of love for those who love me. Through the strength of the one who loves us all.


  1. You are the best for the job because you do care.

    (((big hug!)))

  2. Funerals of those you have known and loved are much easier than those you have never met.


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