Tuesday 12 May 2015

Be careful about jumping to conclusions

Now that I am heading closer and closer to the point where, God willing, I can begin to formally apply for my 'own' church, many questions are beginning to spring up. Where to go? What kind of minister am I? How do I sell myself? (that is one of the questions I don't like at all).

People get concerned for Spot - what would he do? It's nice people are interested, but I don't think people really believe he will go wherever I go. He's studying for his degree at the moment, distance learning, so that isn't a barrier. And we, and I know we're very luck in this regard, can manage quite comfortably on 1 salary. The joys of being mortgage free!

I do suspect there are some who wonder why we manage. Again, it's nice they are concerned, but it really isn't anyones business but ours. Funny, I think some people put 2 and 2 together and come up with 73. Does get me thinking about all the ways we all jump to conclusions about people's circumstances, based on what we assume is going on, or based on who we think they should live. Just a wee bit of me thinks that's going on with Spot and my circumstances. I just wish those who wonder would just ask. They may get a surprise.

And maybe that's a lesson for us all. Ask before drawing conclusions and find out all the facts before drawing them. But, we're all human, we all jump to conclusions. The key, I think, is to realise when we're projecting our own standards onto others, and those standards aren't right for the other.

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